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Jui Chaska Review

(The Flower Star Goddess Review)


A magazine created by Naturopath, Interdenominational Minister, Blogger and Writer  M. J. Bailey a.k.a. Jui Chaska.


Welcome to The Fall/Winter Edition of the Jui Chaska Review. It has been a while since we published a current version of the JCR . In the midst of living, a diabolical virus took a hold of the world and we are all shell-shocked from it. The virus called COVID-19 has taken the world under siege and the past ten months have been sheer hell for almost every human being on planet earth.


This edition of our publication is dedicated to the lives lost from COVID-19 and to those who are currently fighting the virus. We are all surviving on a wing and a prayer as this virus keeps surging.


Currently, the only things we can do is practice safety measures such as staying home when feeling ill, wear masks, wash hands frequently, sanitize, and keep socially distant.


As the Holidays are approaching, it feels as if there is a gaping hole in the world's atmosphere since we have been mourning collectively for the lost lives on a monthly basis.


It will be a somber Holiday season but with God's help we will get through it. Hopefully, deliverance is on the way for those who believe in the healing properties of vaccines.


We must all make a concerted effort to remain positive, and  take care of our physical and emotional health. Let's pray there are better days on the horizon. Only time will erase the sorrow we feel in our hearts as a result of lifestyle modifications and the loss of loved ones.

It is a good time to be patient with ourselves and more tolerant of others. We are all fighting a battle of monumental proportions.


Our current edition of JCR is dedicated to the 300,000 (approximately) US residents that have died as well as the 926,000 (approximately) around the world that have passed away from this deadly virus.


They will forever remain in our hearts and become a part of world history. May God bless the families who are dealing with loss. 


We are in the midst of a pandemic choose to be kind always! No one knows what tomorrow may bring. Remember, prayer is the path to survival.


Let's pray for one another!


The Staff at JCR would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season whether you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas. All The Best To You and Yours! 


Until we meet again in June 2021!


JCR wishes you luck, contentment and prosperous times. We hope you will find this edition of the Jui Chaska Review interesting and informative.

At JCR we aim to honor the stars and goddesses in all human beings. There is so much talent and beauty in the world that goes unnoticed.

*This edition of the JCR is also dedicated to Gilberto G.U. Atkinson who passed away on 11/30/2020 due to complications of COVID-19.

He was an advocate for COVID relief therefore if any of our readers are interested in contributing to COVID Relief you can send your donations to : American Public Health Association, 8001 I Street NW, Washington, DC, 2001. Reference Gilberto Atkinson.


Blessed Be



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